Confit Duck Wings
Mix salt and sugar together and rub into duck wings - refrigerate for at least two hours, but preferably overnight.
To confit the wings rinse off the salt mix and pat dry with paper towels. Place in an oven proof dish with garlic cloves, rosemary, bay leaves and peppercorns.
Melt the duck fat gently in a pan (only until melted), pour over duck wings, making sure that they are completely covered. Cover with a lid or wrap tightly in foil - bake in a pre-heated oven for 2 and a half hours at 140℃.
When cooked the wings will be tender to the touch. Remove from the duck fat and place on a rack with trap underneath. Bake until golden on a high temperature (about 180 - 200℃).
Retain the duck fat for future confit, it will keep in the fridge or freezer.

- 6 duck wings, tip removed, halved into nibbles
- 50 g salt
- 10 g sugar
- 500 g duck fat
- 1 sprig of rosemary
- 2 bay leaves
- 4 cloves of garlic
- 12 peppercorns